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Emission-cutting pledges in poorer countries may go up in smoke

Plans set out to cut carbon emissions in poverty-stricken Malawi look solid, but growing rural populations complicate the picture, warns Roger Harrabin

By Roger Harrabin

18 November 2015

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MOST electricity in poverty-stricken Malawi comes from renewable sources. Solar panels on some school roofs are a prime example. They have improved students’ results as well as providing income by charging villagers’ phones and batteries for a fee. What little central generation takes place in this corner of Africa is mainly hydropower.

This all sounds relatively green, until you realise the country has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Trees are often felled to provide fuel for cooking. Fewer trees means less ability to absorb carbon dioxide and it exposes soil, which means it also releases CO2. This is Malawi’s biggest contribution to climate change by far.

Denuded land means rain runs off rapidly. Aquifers don’t get replenished; instead rivers swell and burst their banks. The run-off takes with it silt and debris that can block the intakes of hydropower plants, adding to supply problems already caused by erratic rains. Black-outs are common for the small proportion of Malawi’s 17 million people and businesses connected to the grid.

So what is the country’s answer? Plans for two coal-fired power stations, which will ensure a more constant supply to an increased number of people and businesses.

The government realises that this will raise carbon emissions, but it says Malawi needs this kind of low-cost, reliable power supply for development.

So while energy sector emissions would rise, it aims to do its bit by addressing the worse problem of deforestation. This is the basis of its pledge ahead of the UN’s Paris climate summit.

Part of that pledge is to have 2 million more efficient stoves in operation by 2030, each estimated to use less than half as much wood as a traditional open fire. As part of the Paris deal, Malawi is asking for international help to promote these stoves and to increase tree planting.

It all sounds encouraging. But unless there’s a miraculous turnaround, the birth rate of more than five children per woman, which could mean 40 million citizens by 2040, will undermine gains from more efficient stoves.

Observers have concluded that drivers of climate change cannot be easily tackled in such countries where largely rural populations are forced to degrade the land to meet their needs.

The best solution, they say, is to create densely packed cities with public transport, powered by renewables – Malawi has excellent potential for solar power. Experts in Malawi say the government, beset by corruption scandals, is in no state to fulfil that mission.

It’s nice to think that there are simple fixes to global warming. The reality, as Malawi illustrates, is a lot more complex.

(Image: Andrzej Krauze)


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