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‘Shin splints’ may not be caused by running up and down hills

Shin pain is common for runners, but it's unclear what parts of training most contribute. It turns out that pressure on shin bones is more severe when runners up their pace compared to when they train on hills

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

16 May 2023

Man running on a hill

Running faster than your usual pace can put more strain on your shin bones than running up or down hills


Runners may face a greater risk of developing fractures in their shin bones when they run quickly, compared with when they run uphill or downhill.

The repetitive pounding motion of running can lead to painful overuse injuries known as “shin splints” and even fractures in runners’ shin bones. Researchers know that these fractures often happen when runners increase the intensity of their training, but it isn’t well understood which aspects of training are most likely to cause these…

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