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Fire ants form rafts that have weird properties when stretched

Fire ants link together to form rafts when their nests are flooded, and unlike most materials the rafts don’t become thinner when they are stretched

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

9 January 2024

Fire Ants Floating in Flood Water

Fire ants work together to form a floating raft when their nest is flooded

Jennifer White Maxwell/Shutterstock

Fire ants can intertwine their bodies to form a raft-like structure – and we now know these rafts have unusual properties that are difficult to replicate in conventional materials. Studying them may inspire the design of new materials in the future.

When their nest is flooded, red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) can survive by linking their bodies together to form a floating raft. Past research has suggested that physics plays an important role in the creation of these rafts. Small objects on…

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