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Fish see in the dark thanks to extra layers of rod cells in their eyes

Visual tests in nocturnal coral fish reveal how multiple layers of rod cells at the back of the eye enable faster vision in low-light conditions

By Robert Barrie

21 December 2022

Lattice soldierfish

Lattice soldierfish are nocturnal reef dwellers with a vision system adapted for dim conditions

Justin Marshall

The specialised retinas of some nocturnal coral fish result in faster vision and greater sensitivity to dim and bright light. The same adaptation may enable deep-sea animals to see in darkness.

Fish living in dim conditions can have as many as 28 layers of light-sensitive rod cells at the back of their eyes, known as a multibank retina. But exactly how this helps them to see in low light was unclear until now.

Lily Fogg at the Queensland Brain Institute in Australia and…

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