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In search of Madagascar’s magical wildlife

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Register for 2025

September 2025 - 16 days

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Immerse yourself in Madagascar’s richly diverse and unique ecosystems, seeing animals including lemurs and fossas not found in the wild anywhere else in the world. 

Explore Andasibe Forest, which is packed with lemurs, and discover the fossas of Kirindy Reserve, Amber Mountain National Park and Tsingy. Sunset hill walks and night-time exploration make this a unique experience in a stunning country with landscapes like nowhere else.


On arrival, transfer to the Relais des Plateaux Hotel in the Madagascan capital Antananarivo. Here your tour leader will introduce you to the tour and your fellow guests. You will enjoy the first of many convivial meals together.

The name Antananarivo means "City of the Thousand", in reference to the 1000 Merina tribe warriors used by a king as protection of his city. More familiarly, it is known as Tana. Split into two regions (upper and lower towns), the city itself is a maze of bustling streets and alleyways, full of colourful markets, interspersed with ancient stone steps and historical sites.


Depart for Andasibe-Mantadia National Park. This 4-hour journey is an adventure, with the drive taking in spectacular mountain highlands and traditional Merina villages, with rice paddies stretching away into the distance.

Andasibe is one of Madagascar's most popular wildlife parks and offers great opportunities to see some of the country's exceptional wildlife, including the unique indri. The park's popularity is reflected in the high-quality accommodation and guiding available.

Check into the Mantadia Lodge, a stylish low-impact boutique hotel in the heart of the forest.

After lunch, venture into Andasibe National Park for the first time. It is one of the best places to spot the largest lemur, the indri. The eerie calls of these animals often give away their location in the forest canopy. Also look out for other lemur species, as well as chameleons and numerous types of birds.

This evening, enjoy a nocturnal walk in the nearby reserve run by the Mitsinjo Association, a local non-governmental organisation promoting reforestation and other conservation measures.


Head out early for a tour of Mantadia National Park, dominated by towering primary forest – which is sadly increasingly scarce in Madagascar. Ranging in altitude from 800 to 1260 metres, the park harbours a great variety of species and has some good trails with beautiful views across the forest.

Several lemur species are found here, including the indri, whose eerie calls echo spookily through the tall trees. Given the high canopy, the lemurs are often spotted further away than in neighbouring Andasibe. However, there are plenty of things to spot closer to the ground, including centipedes, frogs and even nesting paradise flycatchers. There are some great birdwatching opportunities here, including spotting endemic species such as the eye-catching scaly ground roller, pitta-like ground roller and red-breasted coua.

Given the remoteness of the park, the joy of Mantadia lies in the chance to explore this relatively untouched wilderness at your leisure. There is also the chance to visit Vakona Island for some close encounters with the rescued lemurs that live here.


The day will start with a walk to the VOIMMA Community Reserve, a non-governmental local reserve, managed by a villager’s association, where you will see many endemic species.

After the exciting drive back to Antananarivo, you will check into the Relais des Plateaux Hotel again and the rest of the day is at leisure.


Transfer to the airport for a flight to Morondava, followed by a road transfer to Kirindy via a stop at the iconic Avenue of Baobabs, where ancient baobabs line either side of the road.

Check into Relais du Kirindy, and then take a night walk in search of nocturnal wildlife within the Camp Amoureux forest, managed by the Fanamby association.

Travellers who make the effort to come here consider this one of the most rewarding wildlife habitats in Madagascar, but it remains overlooked by many visitors. Located midway along the western coast, this dry, deciduous forest reserve remains one of the best places to catch a glimpse of the elusive fossa, a carnivorous cat-like mammal that is endemic to the island. It is also home to several endemic dry forest species such as the giant jumping rat (not as bad as it sounds), narrow-striped mongoose and pygmy mouse lemur, along with more than 70 species of bird. Plenty of lemurs allow for some wonderfully close-up shots and as many of the lemurs here are nocturnal, night walks are particularly rewarding.


In the morning, meet Anselme Toto Volahy, manager of Durrell's Menabe project. After a short introduction to the dry forest and Durrell's work to conserve this unique ecosystem, set out into the forest, accompanied by Anselme. Return to the lodge for lunch, then in the afternoon, you'll be back in this wonderful forest. Join a patrol with the local community rangers, whose job it is to protect this threatened environment. You will again be accompanied throughout by Anselme.

In the evening, explore on foot, in search of the nocturnal creatures that inhabit this dry forest environment. Look out for dwarf lemurs, chameleons and giant jumping rats.


In the morning, enjoy a second visit to the Camp Amoureux forest, then after lunch drive back to Morondava and watch sunset to the famous Baobab Alley. This striking landscape is dominated by a prominent group of Grandidier’s baobab trees.

In the early evening, you will check into Palissandre Cote Ouest Resort in Morondava.


After flying back to Antananarivo, you will check into the Relais des Plateaux Hotel for more relaxation.


In the morning you will take a short flight to Diego Suarez. 

On arrival, you will journey to Joffreville, the main access town for Amber Mountain National Park. There is usually time for a short tour of Antsiranana itself, known for its spectacular setting and harbour. The city is dotted with old colonial buildings and crumbling, two-storey townhouses and is buzzing with markets and shops. 

Heading out of town, you will explore Les Trois Baies, a series of stunning bays and beaches, before heading off-road into the countryside. Upon arrival at Joffreville, check into the Nature Lodge with its charming stone and thatch cottages.

After dark, set out to explore the Domaine de Fontenay Nature Reserve – a private reserve that borders Amber Mountain National Park. Follow well-established paths that run through the forest, spotting nocturnal species with a flashlight. It is astonishing how much can be seen on the path and right beside it. Walk beneath huge golden orb spider webs, watch tree frogs chirp as they swell in size, spot shimmering flatworms and identify countless chameleons that lie motionless on thin branches.

There is also a good chance of spotting various nocturnal lemur species found here, including northern sportive lemurs, Geoffroy’s dwarf lemurs and brown mouse lemurs.


Established by the French in 1958, this protected area with its volcanic massif and surrounding forests is one of the most exciting parks to visit. Named after the amber resin found in the trees here, this area of montane rainforest is home to extraordinary plant and animal life. Huge ferns and strangler figs add drama to a park filled with endemic species, including Sanford's lemurs and crowned lemurs.

Explore the network of trails that cut through the trees, climbing up ridges, passing sacred waterfalls and descending to various crater lakes. This forest is noticeably different from what you will have seen at Andasibe and the lowland coastal forests. Far lusher and wetter, it also attracts a fraction of the number of visitors.

The thick vegetation and tall trees hide a host of wildlife, ranging from lemurs and birdlife in the canopy, to centipedes and leeches on the forest floor. There are also numerous chameleons, including the striking panther chameleon and the inch-long dwarf chameleon – the second-smallest species of chameleon. The birdlife here is also impressive. Spot crested ibises, paradise flycatchers and rock thrushes flitting through the greenery.


After leaving the lodge, begin your 3-hour drive to Ankarana. On the way, stop at the Tsingy Rouge, a unique geological formation that is rich in iron oxide, which gives it its wonderful red colour. The northern Malagasy people use the natural pigments found in the soil for dye and face paint. The setting itself is spectacular, overlooking several small but beautiful canyons.

Late afternoon, arrive at the Iharana Bush Camp. The setting alone is worth a trip, overlooking a huge lake, with a view up towards the limestone Ankarana massif, which makes for some spectacular sunsets (and great birding). The handful of rooms are a wood, stone and thatch combination, which manages to combine a very natural feel, with a surprisingly stylish look. Making it the ideal base for exploring this slightly remoter and less accessible side of the reserve.

After dark, you will take a guided night walk thru the forest surrounding the camp.


Ankarana, a remote and undeveloped park, is almost a fantasy grotto of stark tsingy pinnacles and dry forests, where bats and crocodiles hide in subterranean caves and forest-filled canyons.

The imposing grey cliffs are dotted with splashes of green, as the weird and wonderful flora found here takes hold, providing both habitat and food for the 10 species of lemur found here. The walking here is more challenging than in other parks but definitely worth it.

The east of the park is slightly more accessible, with several walking circuits beginning from the eastern gate. Here, you start at the same level above the tsingy, allowing you to look down on this spectacular landscape. You will be joined by a local guide, who can explain how the tsingy were formed. 


The western side offers a very different perspective on this spectacular landscape because you start below the tsingy. This is best appreciated on a dawn or dusk hike up into the tsingy, as you clamber up a winding path, watching as a golden light washes over the pinnacles and the distant plains below. It is a steep climb that is uneven in places, so please check with your guide if you have any mobility issues.

As well as exploring the tsingy on foot, you have the chance to canoe on the lake in front of the camp (water levels permitting). This is a lovely way to explore and affords beautiful views of the massif. Everyday rural life plays out along the water’s edge, where local villagers wash clothes, grow rice and bring their cattle to drink.

After dark, take a night walk through the surrounding area. Look out for chameleons and frogs – the latter particularly attracted by the nearby river and lake.


Today, you leave Ankarana and drive through rural Madagascar to the port of Ankify, a journey of around 3 hours. At the port, you are met and transferred to Nosy Be by speed boat. Then check into the Vanila Hotel and Spa.

Nosy Be is one of the most popular regions in Madagascar, famous for its beautiful beaches, stunning coastline and fantastic sea life. It is also known as the perfumed isle for the heady scent of ylang-ylang and vanilla that emanates from the plantations dotted around the area and it is this tropical ambience and relaxed feel, combined with the lush forests leading down to squeaky white sand, that draws people from all over the world. The rest of the day is at leisure to unwind.

Should you wish to spend extra days at Nosy Be before returning, please see the note below about extending your stay.


After flying back to Antananarivo, you will check into the Relais des Plateaux Hotel for a final day at leisure.


Enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Then there will be a group transfer to the airport for your return flight home.


On day 14 of the tour, you can choose to extend your stay with five nights at the Constance Tsarabanjina retreat, followed by the planned night at the Relais des Plateaux Hotel in Antananarivo before returning home. 

The Tsarabanjina is an all-inclusive, barefoot chic, intimate resort on a stunning quiet beach. 

After such a rewarding tour, this would be an ideal time to rewind and reflect on the amazing flora, fauna and geology you have encountered. 

Register now and we will contact you soon with full tour details

Register for 2025


  • Visit National Parks and reserves including Mantadia, Kirindy, Amber Mountain and Ankarana in 4-wheel-drive jeeps with individual English-speaking drivers
  • Listen to the call of the indri – the largest lemur – echoing through primary forest
  • Visit Durrell's projects in Kirindy to see conservation work in action
  • View the iconic Baobab Alley at sunset
  • Discover the geologically fascinating Tsingy Rouge canyons
  • Spot tiny chameleons and endemic lemur species in the lush forests of Amber Mountain
  • Explore the capital Antananarivo and relax on the exotic beaches of Nosy Be

Meet the expert

Expert to be confirmed. 


  • 15 nights accommodation with breakfast.
  • 15 breakfasts, 8 dinners.
  • All park fees.
  • All transfers by road and boat.
  • All excursions including 4-wheel-drive jeeps with English-speaking drivers.
  • Accommodation as detailed.
  • Knowledgeable tour leader and local guides.
  • Group arrival/departure transfers.


  • Travel insurance.
  • Internal flights.
  • International flights.
  • Private airport transfers.
  • Gratuities for local guides, drivers and porter.
  • Single supplement.


Being relatively fit will allow you to get maximum enjoyment out of this trip. Many of the walks are easy, but the temperatures does warm up during the day. The west coast in particular is hotter than the rest of the country, so you need to be comfortable walking in slightly warmer temperatures. We avoid the hottest part of the day. Sturdy footwear is strongly recommended.

All rooms outside the city have mosquito nets but you should also bring mosquito repellents and coils to keep them at bay. 


All of our tours, cruises, expeditions and weekenders are perfect for solo travellers. If you want your own room, you will need to pay a solo supplement. However, if you are happy to share a room with a fellow guest of the same sex, we will do all we can to match you with another guest so you do not have to pay the solo room supplement.