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Mathematicians discovered the ultimate bathroom tile in 2023

After decades of searching, mathematicians discovered a single shape that can cover a surface without forming repeating patterns, launching a small industry of "aperiodic monotile" merchandise

By Matthew Sparkes

13 December 2023

David Smith, Joseph Myers, Chaim Goodman-Strauss and Craig S. Kaplan prove that a polykite that we call

The “hat” shape can tile an infinite plane without creating repeating patterns

Craig S. Kaplan

It is rare for a shape to make a splash, but this year one did just that with the announcement of the first ever single tile that can cover a surface without forming repeating patterns. The discovery of this “aperiodic monotile” in March has since inspired everything from jigsaw puzzles to serious research papers.

“It’s more than I can keep up with in terms of the amount and even, to some extent, the level and depth of the material, because I’m not really…

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