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Babies with bilingual mothers have distinct brainwaves at 1 day old

Newborns whose mothers speak two languages appear to have distinct brain responses to speech compared with those born to monolingual mothers, supporting the idea that language acquisition begins in the uterus

By Moheb Costandi

11 March 2024

Newborns with bilingual mothers may be more sensitive to speech frequencies

Cavan Images/Alamy

Babies born to bilingual mothers who were exposed to two languages in the uterus exhibit different brain responses to speech-like sounds at just a few days old compared with those born to monolingual mothers, further suggesting the influence of prenatal experiences on language acquisition.

Newborns have a preference for listening to speech over non-speech sounds and can distinguish between different languages based on their rhythms. Previous research has shown that 4-month-old babies living in bilingual homes have distinct patterns of brain activity, but it was unclear…

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